Monday, July 9, 2012

Increase Your Ganja's Potency with Decarboxylation

What is Decarboxylation?

Any process that removes a carboxyl group ( COOH ) from compound. 

Many have speculated that decarboxylating marijuana prior to smoking would have an increase in the immediate potency of the plant by not requiring your body to do the decarboxylation. 

Decarboxylation of Cannabis buds can be done using an oven and heating the buds for a short time. 

I preheated my oven to 210 degrees F and placed ground buds in a pyrex beaker evenly spread throughout. ( It doesn't have to be a beaker any pyrex dish will do) 

I left the buds in the oven for about 12 mins and observed just the slightest bit of golding.

I definitely noticed tangible benefits to completing this brief procedure. 

I strongly recommend decarboxylating your medical marijuana prior to use. 

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